I used to think that way too until I became a cabin attendant in JAL (Japan Airlines), that was just before I settled down and became a stay home mom. There were so much to learn as a crew and I've gained much insight (not weight :p) from my flying days..
Gaining Confidence
I was someone who feared to speak to strangers, it was so bad I could stutter through the entire conversation. Being a crew requires one to communicate extensively with passengers from all over the world. And the fact that I worked for a Japanese company, I had to listen and speak Japanese most of the time. I wasn't shy to speak the language even if I got my sentence structures or words wrong because fellow Japanese colleagues would correct me just like I corrected some of their English. We were all learning together. That made us less fearful and more confident.
Finding happiness
At work, I was required to be of many job roles. I certainly did not like toilet cleaning, but I like to keep my galley clean and tidy at all time. I did not like to arrange newspapers before boarding, but I enjoyed doing nice food plating for my passengers. I disliked storing hefty baggages in the overhead compartments but I loved babysitting children when their parents need some rest. In fact, there were more likes than dislikes. Today, when I feel unhappy to work on a particular task, I would then look for another thing that I like to do so it pretty much will balance up. I am happy at the end of the day. Happiness is in our own hands and cabin crew job had taught me how I can do to be happy each day.
Cherishing the time spent with family
Crews are not home for all occasions, we are bound to miss a few. Festive seasons, celebrations or even to bid farewell to loved ones for the last time. Both my grandpas passed away while I was in overseas. I received a text from Dad upon arrival to another country that my paternal grandpa had left us. Months later, cousin texted me with an equally devastating news, my maternal grandpa had passed on too, I was going to return home the next day. :( I was not able to bid farewell to any of them. It pained me to know that I will never hear from them anymore. And because of these, it made me realised the importance of spending time with my loved ones. I cherish every single moment that I get to be with them. Even for a simple dinner, or just a call for a short chat. Don't wait to express our love to our loved ones because before we know it, they might be gone and we will never see them again..
There are more character building opportunities than just simply traveling for free and I'm thankful that I was once a trolley dolley. Flying had made me become an even better person.. (: